Mail Room Safety Audits

The mail handling area is an important communication hub in any organisation. It is also a vital screening point for the entire organisation. The role of the mail handling area needs to be considered in the same way as a reception area that screens and verifies incoming visitors before allowing them access into the organisation. One item of mail should not compromise the safety of the staff.
All it takes is one disgruntled individual to turn a piece of mail into a weapon. If you do not have the appropriate measures in place it may have a very significant impact. The mail handling area can be the Achilles heel of the organisation.
Powdersafe Pty Ltd is the subject matter expert when it comes to dealing with mail based threats. We are pleased to announce our new audit service which allows us to utilize our accumulated knowledge and ensure your mail handling area is cost effectively achieving best practice.
In assessing the mail handling area we address criteria including but not limited to:
Legislative requirements (Acts, Regulations and Frameworks)
Relevant guidance material
Best practice
The design and location of the mailroom
Layout and equipment
Work practices, and
Policy and procedures.
From the information we gather and our observations, we compile a comprehensive report including recommendations for improvement. Our mailroom audit is an investment in protecting your organisation and staff from a continuing threat that cannot be dismissed.
Contact us now to book an audit of your mail handling area. This is a small investment for an area that can have a major impact on the operation of your organisation.